Your siding plays an important role in keeping your home both beautiful and comfortable. As such, it’s important to ensure that you keep your siding in good condition all year round. Just as there are specific concerns to be aware of during the cold winter months, so too are there ways in which summer weather affects your siding. Being aware of how summer weather affects your siding allows you to do your best to maintain it so that it can do its job properly and retain its beauty.

Here are some of the ways in which summer weather affects your siding. Let’s dive into it!
#1. Fading
Depending on the material your siding is made of, you may end up with faded siding. This is because the constant exposure to UV rays can result in a change of color in your siding. Some types of siding materials are more susceptible to fading than others, so if you have low quality siding in a bright or dark color, it can end up fading very quickly in the hot summer sun.
Other types of siding are more fade-resistant, allowing you to opt for darker or more vibrant colors without fear of them fading and losing their luster in the summer sunshine. Since summer weather affects your siding by causing it to fade if it’s made of lower quality materials that are not fade resistant, it’s important to ensure that you either opt for high quality, fade-resistant siding, or stick with a more neutral color that won’t show fading as much.
#2. Melting
High temperatures can end up melting lower quality siding. This is especially true if your lower quality siding is a darker color, as dark colors absorb heat. When you have dark, low quality vinyl siding, the sun’s reflection off of a neighbor’s window can end up melting your vinyl siding. So too can your siding melt if you have your barbeque right by it.
There have been many concerns about how summer weather affects your siding by causing it to melt, which is why thermal stable siding was created. Many different types of siding can’t handle summer weather well, however, certain siding materials are made to be able to withstand it. If you’re concerned about whether or not your siding will melt in the heat, it’s important to contact a local siding professional to come out and look at your siding. If need be, they can replace your siding with high quality siding that will be better able to withstand summer heat.
#3. Increased Vulnerability

Some types of siding can expand in the heat, leaving them more susceptible to damages. This can result in your siding getting brittle and fatigued, leaving you with all sorts of problems you’ll need to have repaired. Since summer weather affects your siding by putting it under a lot of stress from high temperatures, you want to ensure that you have the highest quality siding possible. Certain types of siding are better able to withstand the heat than others, and are less likely to expand and become brittle and damaged than others.
If you’re dealing with brittle, damaged siding because summer weather affects your siding by making it more and more vulnerable, you may consider having it replaced with siding made of a more durable material with better resistance to high temperatures.
#4. Swelling And Water Absorption
As you’ve likely surmised by now, a lot of the ways in which summer weather affects your siding is dependent on the quality and materials of your siding. Another way summer weather affects your siding, depending on what it’s made of, is swelling and water absorption. Some siding materials can absorb water, causing them to swell, which leads to all sorts of problems. This can occur from summer rain storms, as well as from your sprinkler system and from water toys, such as water guns.
Some types of siding are better able to withstand moisture than others. If you’re concerned about how summer weather affects your siding by causing it to swell and absorb water, you’ll want to opt for a type of siding that is more moisture resistant.

High Quality Siding Services
Unlimited Siding knows how many ways summer weather affects your siding and how important high quality siding is in order to stave off as many potential damages as possible. If you’re in need of quality siding or you’re experiencing siding problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’re here to help!
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